Night Visions Back to Basic 2024 passes
Night Visions Back to Basics 2024
Single tickets 12 €
John McTiernan Masterclass & Predator 20 €
Lightweight pass 105 €
10 screenings, not personal. Only for regular priced screenings, so does not apply to John McTiernan Masterclass & Predator combo neither Möyhy-Veikot X Dumb and Dumber event.
HardCore pass 160 €
Including one ticket per each screening slot during the entire festival, a total of 21 or 22 tickets, depending on whether you choose to attend the combo of John McTiernan Masterclass & Predator or not.
All-nighter pass 65 €
For the night of Saturday. Including one ticket to 7 consequtive screenings.
NB! When you buy a pass, it does not automatically entitle you entry to individual screenings. If you buy a pass and use it to redeem a ticket to screening(s) that you ultimately won’t be able to attend for one reason or the other, the festival will not buy them back. The same goes for all individual tickets bought through the festival webstore or at the festival cinemas. We recommend using your personal social media channels to find your unused tickets a buyer.
When using a pass, buy it first. After that, you can redeem tickets for individual screenings with the code you received.